Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Breakfast at Tiffany's- First Blog Assignment

One of my favorite movies is Breakfast at Tiffany's . This movie is about a girl named Holly Golightly, a free-spirited twenty something who moved to New York in order to engage herself in high class living, hopefully finding herself a wealthy husband. She earns her living by unknowingly delivering secret codes to a former mob boss in Sing- Sing. In the movie, Holly meets Paul, a writer that has recently moved into her apartment complex and has a serious case of writers block. They are friends at first, but as the movie progresses and the audience as well as the characters begin to learn more and more about Holly's past life, marriage etc, the closer and closer Holly and Paul become.

I like this movie because of its easy to follow plot line and eccentric characters. The plot is realitively easy to follow which makes it more enjoyable, at least for me to watch. I think that Audreys portrayal of Holly in this movie was excellent. I love the fact that Holly is so easy going and fun loving but also has goals for herself, however far fetched they may be. I was introduced to older movies by my grandma, and i think thats there is something about Holly's character that reminds me of my her and some of her extravagant behavior.

The critics on Rotten Tomato seemed to like the film as well. The movie recieved an average rating of 7.4 out of 10. They say that this story is a perfect mixture of comedy and romance. Chic and well made, some also say however that the story line is totally unbelieveable and a little risky for its time. Most of the critics said that they enjoyed it because it was a silly little film that was made to entertain the masses, and it did just that. picture taken from http://www.audrey1.com/fashion/articles20.jpeg

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